Data desta versão 19 de Fevereiro de 1999
Semana 5
A igualdade poupança e investimento.
O multiplicador. Modelos simples de determinação do rendimento.

JOE, caps. 27, 28, 29 (esp. The Kennedy Tax Cut, p. 655; The Reagan Program, p. 655-656;An empirical puzzle and a ingenious theory: Friedman’s permanent income hypothesis, pp 696-697).
S&N, Caps. 25AB, 26.
KRUGMAN caps 19 e 20
AT, Unmitigated gauls: liberté, egalité, inanité
DISMAL, The Baby sitting economy
DISMAL, No pain no gain
PP, The Supply-Siders, p. 82-89.
KBD, p. 65-96