RESEARCH (popular writings)
Development, with Plants and Queens, revised
Luanda on
my mind: visit to UCAN Apr 28 -May 3
From Lisbon
(2008) to Paris
(draft) Declarations
Media last: troubles in the
western peninsula of
the Eurasian landmass (composite indicator of systemic stress for EZ
sovereigns SovCISS),
corruption and bad governance in Portugal.
Fun on TV, at VCW event and ACL Booklaunch,
both in Carcavelos.
ABCDE summary of ACL work
Lisbon Academy of Science: Chair 18L following A. M. Pinto Barbosa (24/11/13); Greeting P. Pitta Cunha@13L
(27/11/14); J. L. Cardoso@15L
(28/05/15); Olivier Blanchard
inducted after proposal by economics section 5/11/09 announced
on 16/09/10 (18/05/17); Ciencia2016.PT
interview & picture
w/ ACL VP.
Presentation on social entrepreneurship
and ocean culture (Rectory 24/04/18 as part of a
IMS/UParis-Dauphine initiative).
Horasis Global Meeting (HGM) in Estoril 2018. For 2017 see NSBEWP nº 622; CIGI Blustein IMF debate 3MinFin Grémio Students (8/02); How
G&G impact development UParis-Dauphine (7/02);
RANEPA Gaidar Forum Moscow (12/01); Euro50 on
Brexit L/EZondon (10/01, Ken Clarke farewell), on EFFU Brussels (Maystadt
memorial, 10/4/18).
Abertura para a convergência (Expresso 18/02/17); Europe Calling Maastricht@25 (DN 7/02/17) “stepchild”; Horasis India Meeting; Estoril2 (Political and
Global); Expresso 24/06/16; Brexit (Cascais
day before, Sintra 30/06/17, ACL 18/04/18).