Last updated 25 April, 2021 (no access from 2 March until 12 November, 2020 as follows: until 18 August due to double whammy of forced migration from in February and covid onslaught from March, mitigated by a little help from my friends until 6 September. Other long hiatus from 12 November, covid-related until 28 January, 2021 and due to procrastination afterwards)   Atlantean peace in our backyard (7/12/19@17:11 by D)

GRAND TOTAL OF WRITINGS: 772        bio20

RESEARCH (popular writings)

Global Development, with Plants and Queens, revised

Luanda on my mind: visit to UCAN Apr 28 -May 3

From Lisbon (2008) to Paris (draft) Declarations

Media last: troubles in the western peninsula of the Eurasian landmass (composite indicator of systemic stress for EZ sovereigns SovCISS), corruption and bad governance in Portugal.

Fun on TV, at VCW event and ACL Booklaunch, both in Carcavelos.

ABCDE summary of ACL work

Lisbon Academy of Science: Chair 18L following A. M. Pinto Barbosa (24/11/13); Greeting P. Pitta Cunha@13L (27/11/14); J. L. Cardoso@15L (28/05/15); Olivier Blanchard inducted after proposal by economics section 5/11/09 announced on 16/09/10 (18/05/17); Ciencia2016.PT interview & picture w/ ACL VP.

Presentation on social entrepreneurship and ocean culture (Rectory 24/04/18 as part of a IMS/UParis-Dauphine initiative).

Horasis Global Meeting (HGM) in Estoril 2018. For 2017 see NSBEWP nº 622; CIGI Blustein IMF debate 3MinFin Grémio Students (8/02); How G&G impact development UParis-Dauphine (7/02); RANEPA Gaidar Forum Moscow (12/01); Euro50 on Brexit L/EZondon (10/01, Ken Clarke farewell), on EFFU Brussels (Maystadt memorial, 10/4/18).

Abertura para a convergência (Expresso 18/02/17); Europe Calling Maastricht@25 (DN 7/02/17) “stepchild”; Horasis India Meeting; Estoril2 (Political and Global); Expresso 24/06/16; Brexit (Cascais

 day before, Sintra 30/06/17, ACL 18/04/18).


Conversas globais

Globalization and Governance Updates at

Speeches at tribute to José Manuel de Mello on 28/06/18 finally published in AIP magazine

Close encounter on Inauguration night 45 years after having been TAs in the Principles of Economics course at the Lisbon Law School.

IUM 11/09/19

JBT@FFMS 15/08/18

IUM 11/09/18

TropiKMan@Carcavelos 06/09/18

Arrabida Workshop em Complexidade 01/07/18

Amadora Amarculturas 28/05/18

VCW17 Conference on Innovation and Science for Social Impact” (Rectory, 09/10/17) Moderação do painel “Ensino, Investigação, Parcerias, ODS e Impacto Social” (1.39-2.18).


Knowing out to carry on at Fundação D. Luís, Cascais

On Piketty’s Capital: Q&A; DN@14/05/14

Interdependence, freedom and international convergence (NSBE WP #582 - first in French since #65 30 years ago!)

Death on the beach?

Morrer na praia@DN 16/12/13 Excerpt from DN 18/12/13

From the West and the Rest to the East and the Beast? (French view of the anniversary of the Portuguese Republic)

Krugman is back in town (NSBE WP #566) and sequel


3 March 2019 Jorge Borges de Macedo, Constants in the History of Portugal, 1981 (revised translation) born 98 years ago today

25 May 2017 Ronaldo hew-mah 20 May Há um oásis no incerto 1917

EFFU discussed at Lisbon Law School on Europe’s day, I drew on CIGI policy paper nº 132

Death on the beach redux for Goizueta BS, Emory U

Almedina Bookshop 03/07/14 paper on Judicial Activism has become part of a book.  It was read with gusto during a week culminating with a wedding at Berkeley’s Faculty Club





Mandela Centenary@Nova 05/12/18

Memories Pentti Kouri at Oulu cemitery, Joelle Bourgois

Cousin Mary Rose (1924-2016) buried in Galveias:

Extended Family and 3+3 generations

Woodstock 50 years after

21 April One year memorial service for Silva Lopes by Father Melicias

In memory of Silva Lopes, Banco de Portugal, 14/12/15

Araucaria  close and far

Tribute to Jean-Pierre Contzen and Mariano Gago at ACL

Politics Madiba@PSD

Versão em português   

© 7 August, 1996 Jorge Braga de Macedo (24 years on the web!)