List in reverse chronological
order of the titles of 57 publications in English
Date of this
version 8 July, 2017
Titles are numbered
from a list of 473 writings, with information about revisions and reprints: entry numbers in bold refer to 103 publications in English and entry
in italics refer to 145 publications in other languages. This includes working papers without an ISBN number even if they
are available on line, edited volumes and reprinted items (list excluding those
items available here) but excludes articles published
in newspapers (list of 199 available here).
Selected lists arranged by type
and area are also available, always referring to the entry from the
complete list (which is only translated into English after 2000), together with
yearly totals and 5 year averages.
464. Reform complementarity and policy coordination in Europe: a view
from Portugal, CIGI Policy Paper nº 312, June 2017.
451. Cape Verde
and Mozambique as Development Successes in Sub Saharan African (with Luis Brites Pereira), African successes, Volume IV,
edited by Sebastian Edwards, Simon Jonhson and David
N. Weil, University of Chicago Press for NBER, 2016, pp. 203-294
440. Writing to Queens while Crises Proceed In
memory of Manuel Jacinto Nunes, IICT e CG&G, 2nd edition, 2015.
403. Are complementary
reforms a "luxury" in developing countries? (com Joaquim Oliveira Martins e Bruno Rocha), Journal of Comparative Economics 2014,
vol. 42, issue 2, pages
389. Open economy dynamics: selected papers by Pentti
Kouri, editor (with Urho Lempinen),
Helsinki: Taloustieto, 2011, 400 pp
388. Global crisis and national policy responses:
together alone? Reprint from Ética, Crise e Sociedade edited by Michel Renaud
and Gonçalo Marcelo, V.N. Famalicão,
Húmus, 2011, pp.91-159
377. How globalisation
improves governance (with Federico Bonaglia and Maurizio Bussolo), in Linda Yueh (editor),
The Law and Economics of Globalisation, Edward
Elgar, 2009, pp. 193-224
371. Comparing Exchange Market
Pressure across Five African Countries
(with Luís Brites Pereira
and Afonso Mendonça Reis),
Open Economies Review, Volume 20,
Issue 5 (2009), Page 645
355. Financial Reputation and
Foreign Exchange Markets: The Pataca in comparison
with the Cabo Verde Escudo and other Exotic
Currencies (with
Luís Brites Pereira),
Foreign Trade Law in the context of China relations with Portuguese Speaking
Countries, University of Macau, 2007, pp. 1-33
361. Growth, Reform indicators and Policy complementarities (with Joaquim
Oliveira Martins), Economics of Transition, Vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 141-, 2008
344. Comparative development and institutional change, Economic development and social
change edited by George Stathakis and Gianni Vaggi, Routledge Studies in the History of Economics, Routledge, 2006, pp.
323. Argentina and Brazil Risk: a Eurocentric tale (with Martin Grandes), Monetary
policy and macroeconomic stabilization in Latin America, edited by Rolf Langhammer and Lucio
Vinhas de Souza, Berlin: Springer, 2005 pp. 153-172.
316. Moving the escudo into the euro (with Luís
Catela Nunes and Francisco Covas), Shaping the New Europe: Economic Policy Challenges of
EU Enlargement, edited by Michael Landersmann and Darius Rosati, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 246-264.
314. Float in order to fix? Lessons from emerging markets for new EU member
countries (with Helmut Reisen),
Monetary strategies for joining the euro, edited by Gyorgy Szapary
and Jurgen von Hagen, EdgarElgar:
National Bank of Hungary, 2004, pp. 109-133.
311. Partnerships:
the essential role of the state, Evaluation and Development---The
Partnership Dimension, edited by Feinstein, O., G. K. Ingram and A. Liebenthal, London
and New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2004, pp. 121-128.
294. Portugal's
European Integration: the good student with a bad fiscal constitution,
South European Society & Politics Volume 8, 2003, special issue Spain and Portugal in the European
Union: the first fifteen years, edited by Sebastián Royo and Paul C.
Manuel, London: A Frank Cass Journal, pp. 169-194.
293. Portugal's European Integration: the limits of external pressure, Portugal:
Strategic Options in a European Context, edited by Fátima Monteiro, José Tavares,
Miguel Glatzer and Ângelo
Cardoso, Landham, Md:
Lexington Books, 2003, pp. 61-97.
281. The Development Challenge (with Colm Foy and Charles P. Oman), Development
is Back, edited by Jorge Braga de Macedo, Colm
Foy and Charles P. Oman, Paris: OECD Development Centre, 2002, pp. 212-225
267. Monetary
Integration for Sustained Convergence: Earning Rather than Importing
Credibility (with Daniel Cohen and Helmut Reisen),
fix don´t float, edited by Jorge Braga de Macedo, Daniel Cohen and Helmut Reisen,
Paris: OECD Development Centre, 2001, pp. 11-53.
263. Globalisation
and Institutional Change: a development perspective, Globalisation, Ethical and Institutional Concerns, edited by Edmond Malinvaud and Louis Sabourin, Vatican: Pontifical Academy for Social
Sciences, 2001, pp. 223-268.
260. The
euro in the international financial architecture, Acta Oeconomica, vol 51 (3), 2001, pp. 287-314.
259. The
European Payments Union and its Implications for the Evolution of the
International Financial Architecture
(with Barry Eichengreen), Fragility of
the International Financial System – How can we prevent new crises in emerging
markets?, edited by Alexandre Lamfalussy, Bernard Snoy and Jérôme Wilson, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang pour Fondation Internationale Robert Triffin, 2001, pp. 25-42.
258. War, taxes and gold: the inheritance of the real (with Álvaro Ferreira da Silva and Rita
Martins de Sousa), Transferring Wealth & Power from the Old to the New
World, edited by Michael Bordo
and Roberto Cortes-Conde, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001, pp. 187-228.
256. Crises? What Crises? Escudo from ECU to EMU, Short-Term Capital Flows and Economic Crises, edited by Stephany Griffith-Jones, Manuel
Montes and Anwar Nasution, study prepared for
UNU/WIDER, Oxford University Press, 2001,
pp. 253-260.
255. Macroeconomic policy and institutions in the transition towards EU
membership, (with William Branson and Jurgen von
Hagen), Central Europe towards Monetary Union: Macroeconomic Underpinnings and
Financial Reputation, edited by Ronald MacDonald and Rod
Cross, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp.
243. Converging European Transitions, The World
Economy, vol 23 no. 10, November
2000, pp.1335-1365.
Generational Accounting in Portugal (with Alan Auerbach,
Laurence Kotlikoff, José Braz
and Jan Walliser), in Generational Accounting around the
World, edited by Alan Auerbach, Larry Kotlikoff and Willi Leibfritz, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp.471-488.
209. Reforming
Social Security: Efficiency and Governance (with Diogo Lucena), in Sustaining Social
Security, New York: United Nations, 1997, pp. 74-95.
198. Converging
towards an European currency standard: convertibility and stability in the
1990s, Currency Convertibility: The Gold Standard and Beyond,
edited by Jorge Braga de Macedo, Barry Eichengreen and
Jaime Reis, London: Routledge 1996.
183. European
Union and Cohesion, Europaische Antagonismen, Zurich: Swiss Institute of International
Affairs, 1994, pp. 33-57.
177. Labour
Mobility, Fiscal Solidarity and the Exchange Rate Regime: a Parable of European
Union and Cohesion, Fiscal Policy, Taxation and the
Financial System in an Increasingly Integrated Europe,
edited by D. E. Fair and C. Boissieu, Dordrecht: Ruswes Academic Publishers, 1992, 263-280.
169. Economic
Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, The Next Steps
(with Joan Pearce), Politics, Economics and Western Policy in the Post
Communist Era, edited by Dick Clark and M. Mandelbaum,
Boulder: Aspen Institute, 1991.
Portugal's Twenty Five EFTA Years, EFTA Countries in a Changing Europe:
30th Anniversary Round Table, Geneva: EFTA, 1990.
158. External Liberalization under
Ambiguous Public Response: The Experience of Portugal,
Unity with Diversity in the European Economy. The
Community´s Southern Frontier, edited by Christopher Bliss and Jorge Braga de Macedo,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 pp. 310-354.
Public Debt and Implicit Taxes: The Experience of Portugal (with Manuel Sebastião), European Economic Review,
140. Smugglers'
Blues at the Central Bank: Lessons from Sudan (with
William Branson), Debt, Stabilization and Development, Essays in Memory of
Carlos Diaz Alejandro, Oxford: Blackwell for WIDER, 1989,
pp. 191-207.
Small Countries in Monetary Unions: The Choice of
Senegal, The Political Economy of Risk and Choice in Senegal,
edited by Mark Gersovitz and John Waterbury, London:
Frank Cass, 1987.
132. Currency
Inconvertibility, Trade Taxes and Smuggling, Journal of
Development Economics, vol 27 (1987),
pp. 109-125; special issue Essays in Memory of Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro.
Collective Pegging to a Single Currency: The West African Monetary Union,
Real Exchange Rate and Adjustment in Developing Countries,
edited by Sebastian Edwards and Liaquat Ahamed, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1986,
115. Trade
and Financial Interdependence under Flexible Exchange Rates. The Pacific Area,
Trade and Financial Interdependence, edited by Augustine Tan and Basant Kapur, Sidney: Brian and Unwin Australia, 1986, pp. 277-284;
Small Countries in Monetary Unions: A Two-Tier
Model, Mondes en Developpement
nº 56, 1986, pp. 41-63.
Macroeconomic Policy Under Currency
Inconvertibility, The Economics of the Caribbean Basin,
edited by Michael Connolly and John McDermott, New York: Praeger
Publishers, 1985, pp 336-355.
87. Currency
Inconvertibility, Portfolio Balance and Relative Prices,
Modelling and Control of National Economies, edited by Tamer Basar e Louis Pau, IFAC Proceedings Series, vol. 7, Oxford,
1984, pp. 401-408.
86. International
Portfolio Diversification: Short-Term Financial Assets and Gold
(with Jeffrey Goldstein and David Meerschwam), Exchange Rate
Theory and Practice, edited by John Bilson
and Richard Marston, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, pp. 192-232.
85. Portugal and Europe: The Dilemmas of
Integration, Portugal in Development: Emigration,
Industrialization and the European Community, edited by Thomas
Bruneau, Victor da Rosa and
Alex MacLeod, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1984.
A Portfolio Model of an Inconvertible Currency: The
Recent Experience of Portugal, in International Economic Adjustment,
edited by Marcello de Cecco, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
73. Optimal
Currency Diversification for a Class of Risk-Averse International Investors,
of Economics Dynamics and Control, (5), February 1983.
70. Profitability,
Employment and Structural Adjustment in France
(with Pentti Kouri and
Albert Viscio), Annales de I' INSEE,
nºs 47-48, December 1982, pp. 85-112.
66. Currency
Diversification and Export Competitiveness: A Model of the "Dutch
Disease" in Egypt, Journal of Development Economics,
11, 1982.
65. The
Optimal Weighting of Indicators for a Crawling Peg
(with William Branson), Journal of International Money and Finance,
1 (1982), pp.165-178.
62. Exchange
Rate Behaviour Under Currency Inconvertibility,
of International Economics, 12 (1982), pp. 65-81.
61. Portfolio
Diversification Across Currencies,
in The
International Monetary System Under Flexible Exchange Rates: Global, Regional
and National, edited by Richard Cooper, Peter Kenen, Jorge
Braga de Macedo and Jacques Van Ypersele,
Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger, 1982, pp. 69-100.
56. Portugal and Europe: The Channels of
Structural Interdependence, Portugal since the Revolution: Economic and Political
Perspectives, edited by Jorge
Braga de Macedo and Simon Serfaty,
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
Perspectives on the Stagflation of the 1970's (with Pentti
Kouri), Macroeconomic Policies for Growth: The
European Perspective, edited by Herbert Giersch, Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1981.
The Short-Run Macroeconomics of Floating Exchange Rates: An Exposition (with
James Tobin), in Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments:
Essays in Memory of Egon Sohmen,
edited by John S. Chipman and Charles P. Kindelberger. North-Holland, 1980.
28. The
Economic Consequences of the April 25th Revolution
(with Paul Krugman), Economia,
III (3), October 1979, pp. 435-483.
Exchange Rates and the International Adjustment Process (with Pentti Kouri), Brookings Papers
on Economic Activity, September 1978.